Making Time for You

Making Time for You

You probably know you should spend more time on yourself. You wish you could, but you can’t see how you can possibly find the time. It feels like an impossible dream. You have a busy work schedule, tons of household chores, kids or elderly parents to look after, maybe...
Letting Go of the Past

Letting Go of the Past

We all have a past. We can’t change it, no matter how much we might want to. What we can do is change how we react to it. We can accept that it happened, learn from it and move on with our present lives, or we can be trapped by our past, constantly going over what...
Why and How to Process Emotions

Why and How to Process Emotions

Emotions are a part of daily life and usually we don’t have a problem with the positive ones like joy and love. The lower emotions are a different story. It’s common to want to avoid them, to suppress them, rather than go through the pain they cause us. People develop...
Stress Check

Stress Check

Stress. A little word but a HUGE deal. Do you know how it’s impacting your life?Modern life can give us more stress than we’re designed to cope with long-term.The fight/flight/freeze response was fine back when we were faced with the threat of wild animals. It still...

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