About Jackie Williamson

Jackie Williamson

Hi, thanks for visiting my website.

I’m Jackie, an energy healer for overwhelmed HSPs.

I’m a chakra dancing and creative meditation therapist, Reiki Master, personal growth mentor and speaker. Discovering that I’m an HSP (highly sensitive person) was a lightbulb moment that made sense of so many of my past experiences.

I was a stressed-out solicitor for over 25 years, feeling unfulfilled, anxious, not knowing what I wanted to do next or even who I was any more.

I started investigating how I could help myself feel better and went on to do a LOT of personal growth work, alongside receiving reiki treatments.  I rediscovered who I really was and what I loved to do.

After leaving my career in law, which wasn’t aligned with the real me, I gradually realised that my purpose was to help other sensitive people who were feeling like I used to. It’s an absolute joy to help them manage their energy so they can live a happy and fulfilling life.

When I’m not working I like to get outdoors as often as I can.  I love to walk in nature, head to the sea with my bodyboard, potter in my garden, sunbathe and read romantic novels.  Oh, and I love to dance as much as possible!

If you’re ready to find your new dawn, book a free discovery call with me.

meditating on saunton beach